Resources on Inclusion and Diversity in Performing Arts

Published: November 12, 2023
This is an evolving list of resources on topics related to inclusion and diversity, one of the two priorities of the Perform Europe Open Call.
If you have suggestions for resources to add to this list, please don’t hesitate to let us know and we will be happy to include them.
- SHIFT: Handbook on Inclusion
- SHIFT – Inclusion Interview Series
- IETM: IDEA Mapping – Inclusion, Diversity, Equality and Accessibility
- IETM Report: Work & disability in the arts
- Time to Act: How lack of knowledge in the cultural sector creates barriers for disabled artists and audiences
- Time to Act: Two Years On, Data-led Insights on Performing Arts and Disability in Europe
- EDN Video Podcast: What makes you disabled?
- Resources library of Shape Arts, disability-led arts organisation
- On the Move x Points of Entry – A Podcast Episode on Parenthood and Mobility in the Arts
- IETM Publication: LOUD SILENCES: Languages, accessibility and cultural hegemony
- Culture Action Europe – Diversity Compass
- Culture Action Europe – Tales from Culturopolis | Ep.1 – Diversity
- Brown University – Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit
- Yourope – The European Festival Association: Diversity and Inclusion Toolset
- The Festival Academy & EFA: Toolkit on Festivals and Queer* Communities
- IETM Report: Mapping the Queer International
Further resources
- Perform Europe Insights: Sustainability through innovation
- Research Results of Perform Europe’s First Edition
- Rewiring the network: Resetting the agenda for IETM (2021)
- On the Move: Report on Cultural Mobility Flows – European Outermost Regions and Overseas Countries and Territories
- IETM Publication – Arts in Rural Areas
- EUNIC: Not a toolkit! Fair collaboration in cultural relations: a reflAction
- The Handbook of Cultural Work, Bloomsbury Visual Arts, ed. by Christos Carras (2024)
- IETM: Supporting Relevance: Ideas and strategies for inclusive, fair and flexible arts funding
- EFFEA Duty of Care Protocol Generation #1
- IETM Publication: Fair Pay in the Arts: The talk of the town or the elephant in the room?
- IETM Webinar: ‘Which side are you on?’ Ideas for Reaching Fair Working Conditions in the Arts
- IETM Report: How do we make it work? A panel on working conditions and the status of the artist
- Waag – Toolkit for making change in the cultural field
- The Festival Academy & EFA: Toolkit on Festivals, Peacebuilding, and Conflict Transformation
- The Festival Academy & EFA: Toolkit on Sustainable Business Practices
- Pearle* and EFA: Ultimate Cookbook for Cultural Managers: Third Country National Artists working in the EU