Current Projects (2024-25)
(M)others on tour
The project was initiated by artist Renata Piotrowska-Auffret and it is dedicated to artists who have parenting and caring responsibilities in their lives. All the artists involved are mothers-parents and all the shows were inspired by their experiences of becoming and being a (m)other. A key objective is to increase consciousness of the systemic problems related to parenthood in the performing arts sector connected to women’s rights and labour rights for artistic workers.
The project includes touring of one performance: ‘Bliss’, a solo performance about the experience of giving birth by Ramona Nagabczyńska from Poland; and the touring concept ‘CODOMESTICATION’, by Kroot Juurak & Alex Bailey from Estonia/Austria, performed by two parents and their child. Having a touring concept in the proposal follows the ideology of ‘showing without going’ – the concept was created by artists in one place but will be transmitted via online workshops and shown by local artists in another place. Through hybrid talks and online training, the ‘Motherhood in art labour’ project provides an opportunity for (m)other artists and (m)other cultural workers to take part without leaving their country and families.
Artistic Works
Tour Dates
(M)others on tour